We live tuned-out of nurturing voices within us, as they fade by the din of daily life. Only when everything else quiets down and we are at peace with ourselves in our surroundings, can we hear it. Interacting with nature has been found to be therapeutic, which cuts off your mind from the acquired noise of modern life.


Just as every melody comprises both high and low notes, life is a symphony woven with moments of mistakes, failures, rejections, and disappointments. At this retreat, we embrace every note of our personal journey, rejoicing in the harmony they collectively create. The past has sculpted us into who we are, and that’s more than okay – it’s beautiful. Celebrate the love for more – more laughter, more growth, more authenticity. Celebration isn’t confined to just the good times; it holds the power to infuse joy into every aspect of life. Whether you’re celebrating your achievements or finding strength in your struggles, this retreat empowers you to infuse every facet of life with the spirit of celebration.        

Everywhere you are walking the thin line between Rich and Poor ! Here is an opportunity to take the leap of faith into sowing the seeds of grandeur and riches.

So now what can you ask for by being the energy, space, and consciousness that go beyond everything you decided you truly deserve?

Be The Change Book does not ask you to change or look for change; it is an honest invitation for you to BE THE CHANGE YOU TRULY BE!