Talk To The Entities is a speciality class of Access Consciousness, it is an exceptional curriculum that focuses on strengthening and cultivating your awareness!

Being aware of energy and spirits doesn’t make you freaky, it makes you more natural!

Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with Intermediate class?

Expand your capacities for communication and open to more of the gifts that are being given.

Talk To The Entities Speciality Classes

Become part of a life changing conversation on entity awareness and what we can do to address the entity impact on addiction.

Addiction is always a choice, first and foremost; and having the tools of entity awareness can make us impervious to the negative effects of entities.

Let’s learn how to identify the entities that do not serve the relationships we wish to have in the world and also how to work with those that will inspire, expand and support the relationships we do wish to have in the world.

If your relationship were an entity, what would it say?

Learn how to clear all entities and energies that make a house, building or land funky and stuck.

These are incredibly easy, yet powerful tools and processes that will ‘un-haunt’ any house and clear any space!

Communication is so vital for facilitating and dealing with the spirit world yet so many people are completely oblivious to its power and ease. Learn the incredible, simple and practical TTTE® tools for communication using the dynamic TTTE® Communication Flow Chart!

What if people who say they hear voices are actually hearing voices? The voices of spirits!

What if a large array of so called ‘mental disorders’ were due to an extreme awareness of entities and a lack of education and empowerment in this area?